Ensley Seasoned Coating Mix

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A deliciously seasoned coating mix for all fish, seafood, meats, fowls, and vegetables. Try rolling okra, squash, green tomatoes, mushrooms or onion rings in the mix before baking or frying. Ensley can be used like a seasoning on almost everything. It also makes an excellent batter for chicken-fried steak.

This mix was developed decades ago by Harold Ensley, known to millions as “The Sportsman’s Friend” on radio and a network of TV stations throughout mid-America.

“The very finest, the tastiest, seasoned mix – all the people you serve will love it!” (Harold Ensley)

Sugar and fat-free and no MSG.

INGREDIENTS: Bleached wheat flour, Cracked meal, Salt, Spices, Leavening (corn starch, sodium bicarbonate, monocalcium phosphate, sodium aluminum phosphate), Dehydrated onion and garlic, Contains wheat.

Proudly made in the United States of America